Today we are talking about BPC 157, what it’s for, and its potential benefits. All this and more in less than 2 minutes.
What is BPC 157?
BPC 157 or “Body Protection Compound 157” is a lab-made peptide that is a partial copy of human BPC found in stomach acid (gastric juice).
BPC works by speeding up the rate of the formation of new blood vessels (aka angiogenesis) to help wounds heal. It’s often prescribed to help repair damage caused by inflammation and help improve joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, and bone health.
What are the benefits of BPC 157?
BPC 157 is useful to those looking to help with tendon and ligament healing by increasing the growth of fibroblasts (a type of cells found in connective tissues like bone and cartilage that are involved in making collagen to provide strength to the site of a wound).
It can also help heal stomach ulcers caused by NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) medications like ibuprofen and naproxen as well as help repair damaged intestinal tissues caused by inflammatory bowel disease.
How do you use BPC 157?
For general use, BPC 157 can be taken either orally or inject the peptides under the skin (subcutaneously) once daily. If injury-specific, dosing is SPLIT into TWICE DAILY injections under the skin around the injury site.
What are the possible side effects of BPC 157?
Possible side effects include redness, itching, or swelling at the injection site. You should tell your healthcare provider about any side effects you experience.
You can find more information at pepties.com. That’s peptides without the D. Where we are tying all the peptide information together.
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